
Making Better Food At Home

Adventures In Catering: Food Experiences That Are More Than Food Delivery

There is catering, and then there are catering experiences. Catering experiences provide very unique methods of delivering food to hungry guests. Try any one of the following experiences at your next major party or conference and see how much livelier things are. Candy Land Catering Experience This catering experience brings to you all of your favorite candies displayed in fun and fanciful ways. Guests can "pluck" or "pick" their favorite candy treats from " Read More 

Seven Delicious Ways To End A Meal- That All Start With A Shot Of Espresso

Cap-off a great meal with a steaming cup of fresh-brewed espresso; but why not make it something special? Try these seven add-ins to make your cup of strong, black coffee even more delicious and satisfying after a meal with family, friends, or by yourself. If you don't imbibe in alcohol, consider substituting some of the liqueurs and spirits with non-alcoholic syrups and flavor extracts found online. End a meal or cap-off an evening with these seven add-ins for your perfect cup of espresso: Read More 

3 Tips And Tricks When Ordering Coffee Delivery For The Entire Office

Coffee is a staple for most Americans, as it is drunk by 83% of adults. There's nothing like a steaming cup of coffee to give you the kick you need to start your day. Most businesses and companies cover the cost of coffee for employees. If your office has a tendency to order from coffee delivery services, here are 3 tips and tricks your office should know. Look for Companies that Put the Coffee in an Insulation Holder Read More 

About Me

Making Better Food At Home

When my college-aged kids moved home, they started talking with me about making healthier foods at home. We cleaned out our pantry and started focusing on buying better ingredients, and we worked hard day after day to hone our diets. After a few weeks, I could tell that the small changes that we had made were leading to real results. My waistline was skinnier, and I felt like I had a lot more energy. This blog is all about making better food at home and learning how to eat right--even if you have never done that before. You never know, you could enjoy a whole new take on life.