
Making Better Food At Home

From Farmland To Table

The rich farmlands of South America are home to Colombian coffee plants. Learn how this popular coffee variety has made its way into the homes and businesses of many people worldwide. 

The Plants

Colombian coffee plants are cultivated year-round. The weather variables that are essential for healthy plant growth have been studied extensively by coffee farmers who reside in South America. The plants require adequate sunlight, rainwater, and nutrients that are naturally found in the soil. The coffee production process begins long before coffee beans are processed at a manufacturing plant.

The elongated shape of a coffee bean and the color of a bean are two indicators of whether or not a Colombian coffee bean is ready for picking. Because most automated harvesting tools cannot distinguish whether a bean is ripe for picking, a farmer who produces Colombian beans will rely upon visual cues to determine when it is time to harvest a crop.

The Removal Of The Hull And The Drying Process

A hulling machine is used to remove the parchment layer that surrounds a bean. Once beans are added to a hulling machine, internal mechanical parts will come into contact with the beans. The movement will cause friction, which will ultimately remove the outer parchment. Beans are placed in a drying chamber and will undergo a fermentation process. This process aids in reducing the water content within a bean.

The Roasting And Distribution Processes

Raw coffee beans, also known as green beans, are sent directly from a farming operation to a roastery. A roastery will have a drum roaster or a hot-air roaster to prepare products that are going to be shipped to coffee houses, retail establishments, and restaurants. A consumer will likely be interested in purchasing coffee beans that are ready to be ground. Some consumers, including individuals who will be enjoying coffee products at their homes, will seek products that have already been ground.

Colombian coffee blends are noted for their low caffeine content and consistent flavor. Some manufacturers of coffee products may use flavorings, to prepare a line of Colombian-based coffee products that contain unique tastes. A donut shop, hazelnut, or French roast blend will have a distinct taste. Original Colombian products and flavored coffee varieties are staple beverages that one may enjoy while seated at their kitchen table, coffee house, or restaurant booth. 

Contact a local coffee bean shop to learn more about Colombian whole bean coffee.

About Me

Making Better Food At Home

When my college-aged kids moved home, they started talking with me about making healthier foods at home. We cleaned out our pantry and started focusing on buying better ingredients, and we worked hard day after day to hone our diets. After a few weeks, I could tell that the small changes that we had made were leading to real results. My waistline was skinnier, and I felt like I had a lot more energy. This blog is all about making better food at home and learning how to eat right--even if you have never done that before. You never know, you could enjoy a whole new take on life.