
Making Better Food At Home

Sustainable Food Practices

Sustainable eating is the selection and consumption of food products that won't negatively affect the environment. The preservation of ecosystems, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, and the avoidance of chemicals and harmful food processes are some variables to explore when choosing a sustainable diet.

A Food Writer's Role 

There is a wide range of reasons why a food production manager, a restaurateur, or a consumer may seek information that a food writer has researched. A food production manager may be targeting a specific consumer profile and want to use some sustainable food practices at their place of business. A restaurateur may be interested in factual information that they can utilize when operating their dining establishment.

They may want to promote a healthier way of living, by listing some menu options that are delicious, healthy, and non-damaging to the environment. If a food writer has written about local sourcing, healthy food prep steps, and the nutritional value associated with sustainable foods, a food distributor or consumer will be able to use this information to their benefit. 

An In-Depth Look At Some Food Options

Consumer food pricing may be directly related to production, transport, and advertising fees. The point of origin is the place where raw ingredients are derived from. A food writer who focuses on the acquisition of ingredients may demonstrate how food prices rise and fall, based upon supply and demand or the addition of sustainable or non-sustainable food production and transport processes.

A food writer may highlight some of the environmentally safe practices that a particular farmer uses. They may outline how there is little waste during the production phase or how pesticides are not utilized to grow crops. A writer may also describe how some local agricultural businesses or food plants have a role in producing affordable food that has been ethically grown or manufactured.

A Review Of Some Dining Establishments

Eating sustainably may be promoted by some food writers, but there are other writers who may review dining establishments and provide their readers with a full breakdown of what ingredients have been used to produce a particular dish. This type of writing may appeal to those who would like to maintain or improve their eating habits.

A consumer can benefit by reading local or regional publications. Those who are traveling may also be inspired to take a closer look at what types of sustainable dining options will be available to them. A writer's opinion can help a traveler choose establishments that sell the food products that a visitor is seeking.

Check out a food writer's blog, such as Nonya Global, for more information. 

About Me

Making Better Food At Home

When my college-aged kids moved home, they started talking with me about making healthier foods at home. We cleaned out our pantry and started focusing on buying better ingredients, and we worked hard day after day to hone our diets. After a few weeks, I could tell that the small changes that we had made were leading to real results. My waistline was skinnier, and I felt like I had a lot more energy. This blog is all about making better food at home and learning how to eat right--even if you have never done that before. You never know, you could enjoy a whole new take on life.