
Making Better Food At Home

Elevate Your Lunch: Exploring the Best Types of Paninis

Paninis have become a beloved staple in the world of sandwiches, celebrated for their delicious combination of warm, toasted bread and flavorful fillings. The possibilities for paninis are endless, from classic combinations to creative culinary creations. Whether craving something savory, sweet, or somewhere in between, there's a panini to satisfy every palate. Let's delve into some of the best panini types that will elevate your lunchtime experience. Classic Caprese Panini Read More 

About Me

Making Better Food At Home

When my college-aged kids moved home, they started talking with me about making healthier foods at home. We cleaned out our pantry and started focusing on buying better ingredients, and we worked hard day after day to hone our diets. After a few weeks, I could tell that the small changes that we had made were leading to real results. My waistline was skinnier, and I felt like I had a lot more energy. This blog is all about making better food at home and learning how to eat right--even if you have never done that before. You never know, you could enjoy a whole new take on life.